Some time to post again, I've been busy!!! Good busy!
Busy creating, busy with the artjournal blog, busy being a mom.. busy with all good things.. and I love it! I can really feel the difference, I love feeling all that positive energy again!
MY MOLESKINE!!! It's here!! It's really pretty.. well.. it's black, I luvvvvv black.. It is so soft and charming. I love it.. Now I am too scared to start in it! LOL :)
Since I decided I wanted to go all the way into my art journal I begged for a little spot for myself, not just a kitchentable, but a REAL corner with a desk and a closet.. So we are busy getting that ready.. will have to wait a little month for the finances and stuff, but I am just so happy that I get my own little place to create!
In the meantime I am still playing digitally OFCOURSE!
Here are my latest pages..
This is a page for my art journal using all products by SherrieJD.
All sherrieJD at
ARTist to ARTist Bad Fog Chalk
ARTist to ARTist Bad Fog Ink
ARTist to ARTist Bad Fog Labels
ARTist to ARTist Bad Fog Papers (blended 4 of them)
Junk Yard
journaling is.. well it's just some blurb of my jealousy of those "perfect" people. Well people that seem to live that perfect life and how not everything is what it seems and that they have their pains too..
The next page is card for the Altered hearts challeng over at
flower deck card from the altered hearts freebie
everything else from Enchanted Art Box by SherrieJD and Tangie Baxter.
Replenish the well.. enjoy nature walk, enjoy the feel of freedom and my surrounding. learn from animals and natures beauty. Feeling the peace in my heart and the wind through my hair.. that sure will help me to have me calm down and relax.
The next card is for the new week on the Art Journal Caravan journey. This page was kinda hard because I am still scared of color! I really am!!! I feel so out of the box, but hey.. PLAY is the word, so PLAY what was I did!!

Parcel 4 by Tangie Baxter
backgroundpaper from Parcel 1 by Tangie Baxter at
I am SO loving the parcels and all of the amazing inspiring artists who are traveling the journey!!
Hi my name is.. WHAT?.. my name is.. WHAT?.. my name is.. LOL This song is stuck in my head and is driving me CRAZY!!!
This is for the challenge at Making an ATC card with the subject 'Hello, my name is.."
Hi, my name is...
everything from Alternative ATC kit by Ruby Rynne available at
Well I am a BIG chatterbox, can be a red crabby somedays, am a really big supporter for corsets, I am scared for much color, but really love yellow, I should wear glasses, but I dont like them, I love luxury, but cant afford so just talk about it, I always tend to be a bit clowny around others and love flourishes..
me in a nutshell!
Time to go to bed early.. so tired and another day tomorrow! Good night!